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FATCA: First criminal conviction for failure to comply

We knew it was coming, 但这个月,我们有了第一个因未能遵守FATCA而被定罪的案例.  美国政府在其他国家的帮助下制作了一部詹姆斯·邦德式的惊悚电影, complete with undercover agents in a sting operation, 是否表明他们会积极追究那些不遵守法律的人.

FATCAAdrian Baron, Loyal Bank Ltd .前首席商务官及前首席执行官, an off-shore bank with offices in Budapest, Hungary and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 承认因未能遵守《澳门官方老葡京》(FATCA)而合谋欺诈美国。.  When sentenced, Baron faces a maximum of five years in prison.


The guilty plea was announced by the Justice Department’s Tax Division; the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the City of London Police; the U.K.美国金融市场行为监管局和匈牙利国家调查局在调查期间提供了重要的合作和协助.

美国司法部早些时候宣布,它打算把重点放在亚洲.  Following its efforts in Switzerland, 司法部获得了“藏匿”在瑞士的资金去向的重要信息.  这些信息清楚地表明,香港和新加坡是这些“隐藏”资金的目的地,正如古老的谚语所说的“跟着钱走”。.

对巴伦的定罪证明,美国税务当局正在履行职责,查找并起诉犯有税务欺诈或洗钱罪的个人, 以及那些在这些努力中非常认真地帮助个人的人.   然而,美国税务机关从多个欧洲当局获得的协助清楚地表明,这些努力不仅是美国当局的重点,而且正在成为一项全球努力.

There is nowhere to hide.

Here is the link from the DOJ or full text below: http://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/former-executive-loyal-bank-ltd-pleads-guilty-conspiring-defraud-united-states-failing


Tuesday, September 11, 2018



Earlier today in federal court in Brooklyn, Adrian Baron, Loyal Bank Ltd .前首席商务官及前首席执行官, an off-shore bank with offices in Budapest, Hungary and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 承认因未能遵守《澳门官方老葡京》(FATCA)而合谋欺诈美国。.  巴伦于2018年7月从匈牙利被引渡到美国.  美国地区法官Kiyo A. Matsumoto.

Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Richard E. Zuckerman, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Tax Division; William F. Sweeney, Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI); and James D. Robnett, Special Agent-in-Charge, Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation, New York (IRS-CI), announced the guilty plea.  Mr. Donoghue thanked the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC),纽约地区办事处和华盛顿特区.C. Office; the City of London Police; the U.K.感谢美国金融市场行为监管局和匈牙利国家调查局在调查期间的大力合作和协助.

FATCA是2010年颁布的一项联邦法律,要求外国金融机构确认其在美国的资产.S. 客户和报告信息(FATCA信息)澳门官方老葡京美国银行持有的金融账户.S. taxpayers either directly or through a foreign entity.  FATCA’s primary aim is to prevent U.S. 纳税人不得使用外国账户为联邦税收违法行为提供便利.

According to court documents, in June 2017, 一名卧底探员会见了巴伦,并解释说他是一名美国特工.S. 参与股票操纵计划的公民,并有兴趣在Loyal bank开设多个公司银行账户.  卧底特工告诉巴伦,他不想出现在他在Loyal bank银行账户的任何开户文件上, even though he would be the true owner of the accounts.  巴伦回应说,Loyal Bank可以开设这样的账户,并提供与之关联的借记卡.

In July 2017, 卧底特工再次与巴伦会面,并描述了他的股票操纵计划是如何运作的, 包括需要规避美国国税局在FATCA下的报告要求.  During the meeting, Baron表示,Loyal Bank不会向监管机构提交FATCA声明,除非文件显示“明显的”美国金融监管机构对其存在怀疑.S. involvement.  Subsequently, in July and August 2017, 忠诚银行为卧底特工开了多个银行账户.  在任何时候,Baron或Loyal Bank都没有向卧底特工要求或收集FATCA信息.

巴伦的认罪是第一个因未能遵守FATCA而被定罪的人.  When sentenced, Baron faces a maximum of five years in prison.

Baron is the second defendant to plead guilty in this case.  On July 26, 2018, Arvinsingh Canaye, 前博福特管理服务有限公司总经理. 在毛里求斯,他承认犯有共谋洗钱罪.

该案件正在由该办公室的商业和证券欺诈科处理.  Assistant United States Attorneys Jacquelyn M. Kasulis, Michael T. Keilty and David Gopstein are in charge of the prosecution.  刑事司国际事务办公室在这个问题上提供了重要的援助.

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