首页 | 博客 | 拜登税收提案:变革即将到来


拜登总统的提议对美国税收进行了一代人以来最重大的改革. 这些建议已在几个计划中共同提出, 情况说明, 对国会的演说, 以及财政预算计划. 所展现的, these 建议 carry the theme of increasing taxes on the top income earners and wealthy individuals as 好吧 as tax increases for corporations, 刺激美国的生产和就业,并刺激“清洁”能源业务部门.


  • 增加国税局的预算和执法
  • 增加向美国国税局报告财务账户信息


  • 提高个人最高边际税率(从37%提高到39%).6%)建议
  • 取消对收入超过100万美元的纳税人的优惠税率, 按普通收入税率(从20%到39%)对长期资本收益和合格股息征税.6%)
  • 对附带(利润)利息收入按普通收入征税
  • 将来自直通业务实体的收入纳税给NIIT或SECA(附加税)
  • 取消继承资产的基差调整或将死亡作为应纳税事项处理
  • 永久限制非法人纳税人的超额业务损失
  • 延长和扩大各种信贷(儿童,EITC,儿童 & 受赡养人照顾(TC)
  • 延长平价医疗法案(ACA)的保费税收抵免
  • 影响同类交易和其他更具体的税收事项的其他杂项建议


在他对国会的讲话中, President Biden simply said: “We’re going to reform corporate taxes so they pay their fair share – and help pay for the public investments their businesses will benefit from.”

然而, the Made in America plan factsheet and Treasury Budget contains numerous other 建议 regarding an overall reform of corporate taxation; here is a summary of 建议:

  • 将美国企业所得税税率从21%提高到28%
  • Pushing for a corporate minimum tax grows; the G7 countries agreed in principle to a 15% minimum tax on global book income for large companies this week
  • 将全球无形低税收入(GILTI)的扣除额降至25%, 取消合格商业资产投资(QBAI)豁免, 并强制进行局部计算
  • New restrictions on inversions by US corporations and new provisions to halt the sourcing of income as “foreign” if the actual management and operations (generating such income) are within the United States; this is paired with provisions eliminating deductions for relocating jobs overseas and establishing credits for returning jobs to the US
  • A mix of incentives for ‘clean’ energy production and jobs paired with a revocation of various fossil fuel production tax incentives and the restoration of polluter payments


这篇文章中提到的大多数实际税率变化都与个人收入有关, 财富转移, 而公司税则建议从12月31日以后开始的纳税年度生效日期, 2021年(对财政年度申报者有特殊规定).  A notable exception being the taxation at ordinary rates for long term capital gains and qualified dividends for taxpayers with incomes in excess of $1 million, this change will become effective “after the date of announcement” according to the Treasury Budget; that reference is to April 28, 2021, 拜登总统在国会演讲中宣布了这一提议. 然而,预计这一日期将在立法程序中有所改变. Another exception being taxation changes for certain publicly traded partnerships involved in the energy sector which are not effective until 2027.

这项扩大向美国国税局(IRS)申报财务账户的提案对12月31日之后开始的纳税年度有一个生效日期, 2022.

与国税局运作有关的其他几项规定将在颁布后生效. 这包括增加国税局预算的建议, 加强对有偿报税人的监督, 影响合伙企业审计的规则, 以及上市交易的报告.

增加国税局预算 & 执行

The America Families First Fact Sheet states: “… increase investment in the IRS while ensuring that the additional resources go toward enforcement against those with the highest incomes.”

作为经常与美国国税局打交道的税务从业人员,我们欢迎这一变化. 希望这将导致国税局反应更灵敏、更准确、更有能力. 随着预算的增加,国税局可能会进行更多的审计, 但这更有理由让一位优秀的税务从业人员为你提供建议, 正确的? 好吧, 我们在这一点上可能有偏见, 但实际上, the IRS should be adequately funded to perform its task and it simply has not been for quite some time (one consequence of this is the many in正确的 notices the IRS has sent out, 另一个聘请优秀税务顾问的好理由).


美国财政部在拜登总统发表讲话的同时发布了一份新闻稿. 有趣的是,也可能是可怕的,这取决于你的观点. The press release discusses requiring banks to disclose: “information on account flows so that [the IRS] has a lens into investment and business activity—similar to the information provided on income streams such as wage, 养老金, 失业收入.“所引用的信息与跟踪合作伙伴的收入有关, 独资企业和其他不透明实体. 如果实施,美国国税局似乎将能够检查企业银行账户. 这应该是“令人兴奋的”.

优惠资本利得税在高收入人群中消失 支架

如果你一年的收入达到或超过100万美元, 虽然100万美元在提案中尚未具体界定, 这样你的税务申报就会变得简单一些, 你不需要担心优惠的价格,因为他们将不可用. 目前的提案将对前39名征税.长期资本收益和合格股息的收入税率为6%(原来为37%), 比你现在付的20%要高. 注:一些消息来源表明,资本收益将受到37%的税率,而不是39%.6%,这不是一个值得我们期待的数字.

“We’re going to get rid of the loopholes that allow Americans who make more than $1 million a year pay a lower rate on their capital gains than working Americans pay on their work.——摘自白宫事先准备好的讲话.

根据财政部预算, pass-through business owners will face a higher tax of some sort; either the imposition of additional portions of the Self Employment Contributions Act social taxes (0.9%-3.8%)或净投资所得税(3%).8%). 这一建议似乎只适用于实质性参与企业的业主, 所以它不应该影响投资者类型的所有者.  该提案的生效日期为2021年12月31日之后开始的纳税年度.

对高收入者有利的资本利得税率不会改变, 正如拜登总统所说, 只影响了一小部分纳税人, 但这将对他们造成沉重打击. 基本上是资本利得的税率翻倍,别忘了3.在许多情况下,8%的净投资所得税(NIIT)将适用于这笔收入.

如果赚100万美元对你来说不是经常发生的事, then delaying or advancing the sale of capital assets could be enough to mitigate the most drastic consequences of this proposed change.

这将使结构性盈利和股权奖励变得复杂, 比如股票期权, 以及任何奖金补偿. 我们希望看到更多的计划给予灵活行使股权奖励给受益的员工, 所以他们可以控制收入的时间.


In our opinion the most impactful change for individuals announced by President Biden was the call to eliminate the basis adjustment for inherited assets; commonly referred to as the “step-up in basis”.  如上所述, “总统的计划将填补这个漏洞, 结束“加强”收益基础的做法……”.

Current law provides the tax basis of any asset inherited is equal to the fair value of the asset at the date of death even in cases where there is no estate tax paid.  这通常是资产计税基础的增加, 导致资产的固有收益相应减少. Some observers argue this effect distorts normal economic behaviour; causing taxpayers to retain assets with built-in gains as death will eliminate all, 或者说很大一部分, 在这些收益中. 因此,取消加价是自由市场的一线希望.

也会有证明基础的乐趣-问问你自己, 你祖母买栗色书柜花了多少钱? 威尔逊画的火烈鸟怎么样? 虽然某些资产的成本基础很容易建立,但其他资产的成本基础则要困难得多.

管理资本收益将是保护财富的最重要方面. With the loss of the basis adjustment and the preferential capital gains rates for high-income earners overall effective tax rates on wealth could be significantly higher than they are today.

该提案确实提到了对家族企业和农场的豁免, 基线免税额为100万美元(合200万美元).每对夫妇500万美元,再加上出售主要住宅所得的现有豁免)。.  它是未知的,如果资产价值, 就遗产税而言, 会根据死亡时的内置增益进行调整吗.

在先前的陈述中, 拜登总统提议将联邦遗产税免税额降至3美元.500万,但情况介绍没有进一步提及这一细节. 多位国会议员已经提出立法,将免税额降至3美元.并将最高税率从目前的40%提高到60%。.

为了增加遗产税可能发生的变化, 财政部预算(绿皮书)建议将死亡视为一项税收实现事件. 强制按市值计价的销售和实现任何内置的资本收益. 财政部预算建议,这项税收可以用来抵扣遗产税.

库务署建议的生效日期适用于死者于十二月三十一日之后去世的遗产, 2021.

扩大信贷(儿童,EITC,儿童 & 受赡养人照顾(TC)

拜登总统正在推动扩大几个可退还的信贷项目. 这些项目不太可能引起非美国居民的关注. 为背景, 所有这些项目都是最近COVID刺激法案的一部分, 同样的立法给了第三次刺激支票, 但只有一年的时间.

拜登总统的提案扩大了65岁及以上无子女工人的劳动所得税抵免(EITC). 该提案还将儿童和受抚养人护理税收抵免(CDCTC)扩大到8美元,000 ($16,000元(多名受养人),上限为3元,并将最高报销率从35%提高到50%.

在2021年和未来的一段时间内, 该提案将儿童税收抵免(CTC)从最大值2美元增加,000 to $3,17岁或17岁以下的儿童, 同时为6岁以下的儿童提供600美元的奖励抵税额. 反恐税也将全额退还.

取决于引用的来源, 信贷扩张将对美国经济产生积极或消极的影响(取决于时间范围)。.


公司税率为28%, 美国将成为经合组织中企业税率最高的五个国家之一. This becomes a significant consideration for companies looking to expand into the US where they also need to factor in state taxes. 各种新条款确实带有有利于美国生产的主题, 至少目前是这样. 例如, 取消了对境外无形收入的扣除, limitation of foreign tax credits for the sale of certain foreign business entities and eliminating GILTI deductions for foreign fossil fuel derived income (oil and gas activities). 集团内部的利息支出有单独的限制, 哪些会影响利用当前某些条约利益的结构. 最后, 如果你拥有一家年收入超过20亿美元的公司的股份, 好吧, 为15%的全球图书收入税做好准备.

到什么程度还有待观察, 如果有任何, these various 建议 will become law and what sort of effect it will have on smaller businesses that operate internationally. 公司税提案众多且复杂. 要真正确定这些变化可能带来的影响,还需要进一步的研究.

这些公司税相关项目的生效日期为12月31日以后开始的纳税年度, 2021.


President Biden’s address and the fact sheet provide the clearest idea of what we can expect to see in future tax legislation. 现在,这些只是来自白宫的建议. 任何实际的立法都必须起源于国会. 在很多方面, 提案缺乏细节, and these details will determine who is affected by the proposed rules; assuming they become law.

这些变化可以说比2017年实施的减税政策更有影响力、更深远 & 就业法案》. 其意图似乎是在企业税改革方面采取比以往更为大胆的做法.

需要重新评估国际结构,重新考虑税收规划的优先事项. We will keep our readers informed of developments regarding tax reform and are always glad to address any concerns or questions you may have. 澳门官方老葡京.


  • 美国就业计划简报:简报:美国就业计划b|白宫
  • 美国家庭计划简报:简报:美国家庭计划b|白宫
  • Prepared remarks from President Biden’s address to Congress: Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by President Biden — Address to a Joint Session of Congress | The White House
  • 我们部门. 美国财政部新闻稿:投资于美国国税局,提高税收合规性.S. 财政部
  • 我们部门. 财政部税收报告:MadeInAmericaTaxPlan_Report.pdf(财政部.gov)
  • 我们部门. of Treasury tax proposed 2022 Budget (Greenbook): General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2022 Revenue Proposals (treasury.gov)




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